Launch an online course, fast (and free).

Clone this online course template, customize, and deploy to the web for $0/month.

  • Host it for free? ✅️
  • Custom domain? ✅️
  • Payment processing? ✅️
  • Student login & logout? ✅️
  • Course with auto-chapters? ✅️
  • Mini-course to show you how to customize? ✅️

$50 OFF for the first 100 people. (100 left) 🎉

Here's a demo of what you can do with EZ-COURSE 👇

Ugh, online course software.

$49/month just to host a few videos and PDFs???

We're not trying to re-create a Harvard MBA program here. 🤣

  • ❌ Drag-n-drop builders (takes forever and they're not that much "easier," are they?)
  • ❌ Email & funnel software (I already pay for that lol)
  • ❌ Video hosting (I can do that for FREE, YO??)

Like, I just want

  1. A course that people can pay me for...
  2. Ready in an hour...
  3. On a custom domain.

And ya know what?

It'd be nice if it were free.

Does that exist???

Hint 👉It does now, cuz I built it 😎

Launch an online course in 5 minutes, and never pay anything for it.

Simple-yet-functional online courses.

Users can log in and out.

Email capture.

Built-in payments.

Deploy your course for free.

EZ-COURSE gives you a course template to launch FAST.


Hi, I'm Pete 👋️

I've launched 25+ online courses and made GREAT money from some of them...

But I've also experienced "down months" where I make less (and start to freak out about all the expenses I "need" to run my business).

And in 2022, I started coding again.

It started as a "just for fun" thing, but eventually I figured out that I can actually, ya know, build useful things.

And I got greedy lol.

"Online course software?? Why am I paying for this? I could just BUILD IT."

I honestly built EZ-COURSE for myself, but I also have an entrepreneur brain!

Since it's start, I've built EZ-COURSE to be a reusable template that others can use, again and again.

What's inside of EZ-COURSE?

Everything you need to launch a course FAST, and no mas.

Public, private, or paid courses 💰

Free course to generate emails? $9 tripwire course? $799 mega-course? You choose.

Infinite themes 🎨

Choose from 20ish pre-built color themes, or copy/paste in some colors and use your own.

Login/Logout functionality 🔑

Put your courses behind a login, including Google Auth or magic link!

Send emails 📩

Send one-off emails from any email address (using Resend free!)

Landing pages, terms & privacy pages 📖

Templated pages for your site, easy to customize.

Free hosting 🌐

Host your entire site for free, forever.

Setup guide w/ full documentation 📖

Step-by-step guide to setting up EZ-COURSE

Google Analytics support 📊

Google Analytics integrated in 1 copy & paste.

Hyper-fast website 🚀

It is fast. Also, mobile friendly!

Zapier integration ⚡️

Built-in Zapier to connect to anything! (requires paid Zapier account)


What do I get, exactly?

2 things:

  1. A boilerplate code template with everything you need to launch an online course (that you can use and resuse as much as you want.)
  2. Documentation and a setup guide that shows you how to customize it and deploy it.
Do I need to know how to code?

Technically, no. You can literally duplicate this template, change some of the content, and you're good to go.

HOWEVER. You will be dealing with code! There will be a few things you've never done before, but don't worry. I did NOT build this for developers (and I show you how to do everything).

Are there any addtional costs associated?

Very little, if not $0. I'll show you how to host videos for free (or literally pennies a month), and we'll be using free tools like Resend, Stripe (for payments, though there is ALWAYS processing fees, of course), and Vercel (for hosting). And if you want a custom domain name, you'll need to pay for that in whatever service you prefer.

For reference, THIS website, including the documentation and course (with videos, etc, etc), cost me about $0.10 a month. An entire dime 🪙.

What tool stack does this use?

Hello, fellow nerd! I'm so glad you are interested.

  • SvelteKit (Javascript framework)
  • TailwindCSS (CSS framework)
  • DaisyUI (UI component library)
  • Stripe (payments)
  • Vercel, Netlify, or Cloudflare Pages (hosting)
  • Resend (email sending)
  • Google Firebase (authentication + optional database)
  • Zapier (integrations)
Can I host multiple courses?

For sure, in fact, you can do it two different ways. You could reduplicate this template for different domain names, etc. Or you could have multiple courses on the same domain name.

Do you give refunds?

Since you get access to the entire code base of EZ-COURSE immediately, no, there are no refunds!

But rest assured, you'll get your money's worth and THEN some (and EZ-COURSE is only a one-time payment with lifetime access!)



Don't pay for course software again.

$149 $99 USD

✅ Lifetime access

✅ Unlimited courses

✅ No hidden costs or upsells

✅ One-time payment. No subscription