Well, hello there! This is obviously a fake course, but I've decided to use this page to teach you more about EZ-COURSE!
    1. 1.1 - Free or paid 💰

      With EZ-COURSE, your course can be...
      1. Free and open immediately to the public
      2. Free, but behind an email capture
      3. PAID! (Using Stripe Checkout!)
    2. 1.2 - Log in, log out 👍

      Unless the course is open to the public of course, in which case it's just...there.
    3. 1.3 - 30 secs to clone this template ⏱️

      I would say "one click," but technically it's not haha. Good news? I have a few videos that will show you precisely how to do all this stuff.
    4. 1.4 - Never pay for course software again. 🤑

      Obviously EZ-COURSE works best for very simple courses that you want live FAST. But if that's all you need, I'll show you how to deploy this to the internet for $0.
  2. 2 - How to make a million dollars a year with zero effort

    This is a sentence.

    This is another sentence.

    This is a link.
    1. 2.1 - Lesson 6

      Did you know you can use HTML here?

      Here's a little code block

    2. 2.2 - Lesson 7

      Also, you can embed YouTube videos if you want. Public or unlisted.

    3. 2.3 - Lesson 8

      This is a sentence. This is another sentence. This is a link.